Dr. Bench is having a C.O.W. August 22nd-26th!
Our C.hiropractic O.pportunity W.eek will celebrate
‘BACK’ to School Health!
What will be going on in the office?
- Sports/School Physicals
- Back Pack health
- Kindergarten Physicals
Dr. Bench and Evolution Chiropractic will be giving back to a local school!
10%of all adjustments/physicals between Aug. 22-26 will be donated to the school most represented by patients!
Adjustments: $40
Physicals: $30
(Local Pediatric Centers charge over $100)
Call (208) 552-9600 and schedule your appointment today!
*Bring in your backpacks to be fitted and learn some tips! Also,
bring in your old/used/new backpacks and extra supplies to be
donated to a local school in need.